Price list
In Japan, two kinds of patent applications are possible. The first is a patent application and the second is a utility model patent application. In the application process for patent, once the application is filed at the Japanese Patent Office, it will undergo a formality examination. Then, the application will be published prior to examination. Upon a request to proceed examination is filed by the applicant, it will undergo substantive examination. If all requirements are complied with, the application will be allowed to grant and publication. In the application process for utility model, after the application is filed, it will undergo fundamental important point examination. The application will go through formality checking. Amendment may be required before it can proceed to grant and publication. The duration of a patent right shall expire after a period of 20 years from the filing date of the patent application. The duration of a utility model right shall expire after a period of 10 years from the filing date of the application.
Invention Patent
- Preparing and filing application JPY190,000
- Claiming one priority JPY15,000
- Requesting for substantive examination JPY217,500
- Registration and forwarding certificate JPY102,000
Utility Model Patent
- Filing application and registration JPY240,000
- Claiming one priority JPY15,000
Design Patent
- Preparing and filing application JPY140,000
- Claiming one priority JPY15,000
- Registration and forwarding certificate JPY92,700
Renewal for Invention Patent
- 4th to 6th annuites (per annum) JPY46,800
- 7th to 9th annuites (per annum) JPY73,100
- 10th to 20th annuites (per annum) JPY144,300
Renewal for Utility Model
- 4th to 6th annuites (per annum) JPY43,800
- 7th to 10th annuites (per annum) JPY61,800
Renewal for Design Patent
- 4th to 20th renewal (per annum) JPY52,500